Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sailor nails! - Swatching "Lucia Couture" nail polish

Hi loves, it has been a while since my last post but I am back again so I want to share with you a swatch of a beautiful nail polish brand. They are Lucia Couture nail polishes and you can find them on instagram as @luciacouture. They have sent me 2 nail polishes: Rue Rouge (red nail polish) and Honey bee (glitter gold nail polish) and  I have done a Sailor nail art with them.

 Tutorial right here! ↓

Lucia Couture is a new nail polish brand located in USA. The main characteristic of this brand is the lovely ribbon on the bottle cap and inside the product is really soft and creamy. I had the opportunity to swatch 2 colors,  Red is called Rue Rouge and golden glitter is Honey Bee. The combi is really beautiful, The red color is very bright and the glitter gold is unique. I have swatched them appliying two thin coats plus top coat.

Lucia Couture nail polishes
Lucia Couture - Honey Bee
Lucia Couture - Rue Rouge

Sailor Nails

The products used in nail art design were:

  • Lucia Couture red nail polish: Rue Rouge 
  • Lucia Couture glitter gold nail polish:  Honey Bee 
  • Masglo blue nail polish: Intrépida
  • Masglo white nail polish: Tiza
  • Masglo white acrylic paint.
Other products used were:

It was my first time doing sailor nails because I did not know how to do the anchor, but I received from Whats up nails a spectacular Anchor stencil and ohh my! this is perfect and they come in different sizes if your nails are long or short! Enjoy the bunh of pictures i have taken of my design :)

Lucia Couture - Rue Rouge

Lucia Couture - Honey Bee

Masglo - Intrepida

Nail art Rhinestone

With polished love,

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