Thursday, May 7, 2015

The glittering way to do zig zag nail art

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure to receive some items from one of my favorite nail art supplies stores, I am talking about Light in the box and one of those items was a box with diamond-shaped glitter sequins nail art decoration. I have seen nail art designs with these glitters and I decided to do my own version, never seen before, this is my own and unique zig zag nails featuring the incredible way to do Zig Zag.... Voilà!

 Tutorial Right here!

Also, you can see my 15 seconds version on my Instagram

The products used were

* Diamond-Shaped glitter was provided  by Light in the box for my impartial review. Skinny zig zag tape was provided by Whats up nails for my impartial review. Nail art tool professional pencil was provided by Light in the box for my impartial review.

Diamond-shaped glitter sequins from

To do a glitter placement are necessary two things: first of all, you need something called "Patience" you know, many people do not know what is that! and the second thing you need is a perfect tool, I used a Dotting pencil, this is great because the glitters do not escape of this pencil.

China Glaze nail polishes combining with Glitter

With polihed love,

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